Vision of the College
Commerce College, Kokrajhar is to become one of the India’s leading Centre of Excellence imparting business education of the highest standard.
The fundamental responsibility of Commerce College, Kokrajhar is to serve the people and strive for the spread of business education and for academic excellence. The college seeks to present itself as a major centre of learning for the advancement, preservation, dissemination and use of knowledge in this backward region of the country. It encourages enrollment of students from different cross- sections of the society by providing them with the best of infrastructure and learning resources, so as to make teaching and learning a pleasurable and profitable experience. Through these efforts the college tries to mould in its students a total personality of professional competence, self confidence and positive attitude that would help in the development and growth of Assam in particular, the North-East Region and the country in general.
Significance of College Emblem
- In the round shape of the emblem written the name of the college with year of establishment and below the abbreviation of the college.
- In the Middle of the emblem written the maxim of the College Discipline & Knowledge shows the decency and ethical feature of the college.
- The emblem decorated with Glob in the upper inside of the circle and a Trading Ship in the lower part of the Circle that explains the motto of the college, which imparts utilitarian commerce education
The Goals and Objectives of the College
- To impart conventional and non-conventional commerce educations.
- To develop Human Resource through this institution imparting utilitarian commerce education.
- To make people aware of commerce education.
- To solve partially the problem of Unemployment by this institution.
- To create academic Excellency in this area through this institution.
Motto of the College
Dissemination of information and knowledge as a centre of excellence in higher education by imparting quality education and pursuing research studies.
Code of Conduct
The College is a Provincialized under Govt. of Assam and recognized under section 2(f) & 12 (B) of UGC Act. 1956 and as such, it is liable to follow all the rules and regulations framed by the Govt. of Assam and UGC in discharging duties. So, the code and professional ethics for Principal, Teachers and Governing Body are governed by relevant Act, and Provisions of State Govt. issued from time to time. Moreover, the UGC recommended code of ethics is equally applicable for the teachers and Principals drawing UGCs’ scale of pay.
By maintaining uniformity of the Colleges of Assam, of course, the code of conduct for students is usually framed by the college in consideration of the need of the College.
Students Code of Conduct
- Students have to maintain strict discipline and good manners both inside and outside the College to keep up the prestige and reputation of the college.
- Students have to behave properly with the teaching as well as administrative staff.
- Students have to maintain decorum in the classrooms and outside and in the library
- Students have to take proper care of the College property and must not cause any damage to the same.
- Carrying of ID card with hanging display is a must.
- Keep friendly behavior among the students.
- Keep your mobile phone in switch off mode during class hour.
- Acquiring minimum 75% attendance is must to be eligible to appear in the respective final examinations .
- Continuous absent up to five (5) days and less than 75% attendance in each subject/paper every month will be treated as violation of College/AHSEC/GU guideline)
- Students are not allowed to use their Mobile Phone in the College campus during the Class hour(on emergency, with due permission of the Vice-Principal they can use Mobile Phone and immediate after, they will have to keep the phone switched off)
- Ragging in the campus is strictly prohibited and punishable.
- Any sort of molestation case is a punishable offence.
- Misbehavior with the teacher and management is a punishable offence. Students are responsible for their conduct to the Principal. For any act of misconduct or misbehavior a student will have to face the Discipline Committee of the College, the decision of which in such cases is final and binding. Disciplinary action may involve warning and/ or fine, and/ or suspension from classes, from examination or even expulsion from the College.
- Not to use Bettle-nut, Gutka, chewing gum or any kind of items which may make dirty of the College building, washbasin or any other places of the College campus and also not to damage the College property by the students
- Damage of College property caused for charge of penalty
For what college is not responsible
Loss of any material such as M/Cycle, Bi-cycle, Mobile, study material, cash, etc. the College management is not responsible.
College Aid
- On reporting first aid in any health related matters will be provided/ arranged by the college authority.
- In case of indulging ragging by any of the student, immediately inform the Principal/Vice-principal/in-charge of the ragging cell.